Party building day dear party, I want to say to you~
 2021/07/01 | View:1571


July 1, 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the party, which may be a long time for a person; 

For a country, it's a flick of the finger; For a political party, it is in its prime.

Dear party, on July 1, the founding day, I want to tell you


Yuma precision General Manager: for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, let's pay tribute to the party and always follow the party. In 2021, 

we still need to maintain the attitude of indomitable struggle, give full play to the exemplary and exemplary role of Party members, 

never forget the original intention and create brilliance again, and lead the staff to work with full enthusiasm.


Yuma precision stamping workshop 1: Dear party, I want to tell you~

I will never forget my original intention, work hard forever, keep in mind my mission and follow the party


Yuma precision stamping workshop 2: Dear party, I want to tell you~

Under the leadership of the party, I am not afraid of difficulties and unknowns, meet challenges and work hard


Organization Development Department: Dear party, I want to tell you~

With a hundred years of party history and thousands of words, there would be no new China without the Communist Party. I wish our party a happy birthday and wish the party's cause every success


Ministry of safety, environment and health: Dear party, I want to tell you~

Always keep the original heart, never forget the original heart, based on the post, work hard


Sales Department: Dear party, I want to tell you~

A red heart to go with the party, forge ahead, will not move


Logistics Department: Dear party, I want to tell you~

I am willing to do my duty in an ordinary post and contribute to the cause of the construction and development of the motherland


Mold manufacturing department: Dear party, I want to tell you~

I will be based on the post to make contributions, take responsibility as the first


Equipment R & D department: Dear party, I want to tell you~

You are a thick textbook, I will use my life to read carefully


Yuma Yuma precision: Dear party, we want to tell you~

Happy 100th birthday, we are happy because of you, we are proud of you!