Jiangsu people stand up! Rainstorm + fall double attack!
 2021/07/14 | View:1638

Rain from these days

It makes you feel it

What is a rainstorm

Miss may has a great influence!


But it's just a rainy season

This is the yellow warning of high temperature


The temperature today

It's a little too comfortable


July 11, it officially entered three ambush days

This year's three volts are 40 days of "super long standby":

From July 11

End of August 19

Expected to be in three consecutive days in the future

The maximum temperature will be above 35 ° C

Three volt schedule 2021:

The first ambush was from July 11 to July 20 for 10 days,

Zhongfu, from July 21 to August 9, was 20 days,

The last ambush lasted from August 10 to August 19 for 10 days.

Three or three days is the highest temperature day of the year. In the three Fu "Fu", some people say "to subdue evil", others say that the weather is hot, "should not move.".

After the fall, how can we keep healthy in the face of hot and humid climate?


01 eat three kinds

1. Eat melon, saiginseng

Eat melon in summer because it contains saponins. Cold food can clear heat and relieve heat. Chicken soup and pork ribs soup, together with the melon can remove oil and fat, make appetite open. At the same time, the content of vitamin B in melon is high, which is conducive to the development of children's brain and the brain health of the middle and old. When eating the melon, the skin should be peeled and sliced, boiled, and then mixed with fragrant oil, soy sauce, vinegar and so on. It is a must-have for the summer table.


2. Eating bitter gourd

It is better to eat in summer than to make up. Bitter gourd is a dish that people often eat in summer. It contains rich vitamins and crude fiber. It can dispel fire and detoxify when eating bitter gourd. The "balsam pear" contained in bitter gourd is called fat killer, and the saponins also have the function of lowering blood sugar and blood lipid. But pregnant women should pay attention to it, and should not eat more.


3. Braised duck with ginger

"Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer, without doctors' prescription". Hot people like to eat cool things in summer, but if they eat too much cold drink, they will be empty and cold in the stomach, causing diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms. Ginger sex temperature, can dispel cold and rise Yang, and ginger contains ginger capsaicin, can stimulate people's appetite. Duck meat is cold, eating duck meat in summer can replenish kidney and remove edema.


02 drink three kinds

1. Winter melon kelp soup: reducing fat and eliminating heat

The sweet cold taste of winter melon has the function of heat elimination and swelling reduction. The melon itself does not contain fat, during the initial lodging, it is not greasy, appetite will not be affected, and the sodium content in the melon is low, which is very beneficial to patients with hypertension and cardio cerebrovascular. Kelp has rich mineral content, and kelp has the function of lowering blood sugar and blood lipid. Kelp is rich in cellulose, which can promote intestinal peristalsis.


2. Lotus leaf mungbean porridge: heat relieving and health preservation

Lotus leaf contains a variety of alkaloids, such as lotus leaf alkali, which has diuretic and heat protection functions. Eating lotus leaf porridge can clear heat, moisten lung, cool blood and stop bleeding. The weather is hot in three ambushes, the digestive system of the old and the children is poor and the appetite is not good. Try the mungbean porridge with lotus leaf. It can clear heat and relieve heat, and can also nourish stomach with the middle. Make green bean soup by boiling green bean flower. Then cook rice into porridge, pour in mung bean soup and ice sugar when it is fast cooked. Stir evenly. After porridge is cooked, put lotus leaf on porridge, and cool it to eat.


3. A bowl of mutton soup, no prescription

As the saying goes: Fu Tian has a bowl of mutton soup, and no doctor is required to prescribe a prescription. It's good for Lamb Soup in summer and winter. It is too cold to drink Lamb Soup in winter, so it needs to be mended. Summer weather is too hot, appetite is not good, the body is actually in an overdraft state. Fu Tian eat mutton, drink mutton soup, strengthen body, nourishing yin and replenishing qi. And after drinking sheep soup, through sweat, can eliminate the body moisture, improve immunity.


03 do three good

1. Hot water to soak feet, dispel dampness

Summer is damp and hot, most hurt spleen and stomach. Many people don't want to eat in summer, feel their stomach distension, not hungry, because the spleen and stomach have wet evil. The best way to eliminate the dampness of spleen and stomach is to soak feet with hot water. Many people think winter is suitable for feet, in fact, summer bubble feet, can also play a good effect. Feet can strengthen spleen, dehumidification, channel, and water, effectively alleviate the weakness of limbs, loss of appetite and drowsiness in summer. The temperature of water doesn't have to be too high, 40 degrees Celsius is enough. Add some Chinese medicine to remove dampness, such as 20 g of welling immortal (removing dampness), 15g of Cangshu (Tongjing), 15g of white skill (invigorating spleen), and the effect will be better.


2. Open air conditioner in the wet day, and 26 ℃ is the most suitable

It's easy to get air conditioning in summer. On the one hand, air conditioning room is closed for a long time, and it is easy to breed bacteria. To adapt, pay attention to ventilation and ventilation, and ventilation was the best one last afternoon. On the other hand, it is a series of adverse reactions caused by the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, which makes it difficult for human body to adapt. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not exceed 8 ℃, once it exceeds 8 ℃, it will exceed the limit of self-regulation of human body, which will cause headache and nasal congestion. So indoor temperature is 26 ℃ as the best, avoiding excessive indoor and outdoor temperature difference. At the same time, when the summer is sultry, the air conditioner is suitable for opening the "dehumidification" mode, and reducing humidity can effectively alleviate the feeling of dull heat and the cooling effect is better.


3. Drink water, not fast, cool

Summer sweat a lot, body is easy to lack water, so many people like to drink water. Drink a large glass or a large bottle at a time.

But drinking water like this is very easy to have problems. Water enters blood quickly, which will cause blood to become thinner and blood volume will increase. People with bad heart are prone to chest tightness and shortness of breath, and even more serious myocardial infarction. So, the best way to drink water is: a small amount of water, 100-200ml at a time. At the same time, do not be greedy. Warm water is the best for human body, and it is the easiest to help the body to emit heat and relieve heat.


Keep three days and avoid illness for a whole year.

Three Fu attention to the body, can enhance the constitution, eliminate diseases, let the body more healthy! Please forward and share, promote the traditional Chinese culture!


Continuous rainstorm & double attack of falling

You can stand up~

And it can save our young minds at this time

Only pay is coming soon~

Only high temperature allowance, delicious cold drinks, summer break, welfare items!
