Couple' enterprise helps disabled in public welfare
 2020/05/18 | View:1713

There is such a couple in Yaoguan Town, Changzhou Economic Development Zone. In three years, they worked together to build a "home" for 25 disabled people. Recently, a caring company has thrown out an olive branch to provide jobs for this home for the disabled and join the big family of charity assistance.


At two o'clock in the afternoon on May 6, in the Yuma Precision Conference Room in Yaoguan Town, Changzhou Economic Development Zone, Jiang Mingfeng from the Dene Home for the Disabled in Yaoguan Town was discussing employment and other related matters with the person in charge of the company. In one or two days, Jiang Mingfeng will bring two disabled brothers and sisters to participate in the nailing process of the company.

Jiang Mingfeng, the person in charge of the Delin Home for the Disabled in Yaoguan Town, said: “I also took the initiative to contact me. He said that there is a long-term manual work in it. I just went to the meeting and we will try to find two disabled people tomorrow. Go ahead and try it on the spot to see what problems you will encounter, and then gradually add people in."

Changzhou Yuma Precision is a company specializing in R&D and manufacturing of stator and rotor cores for motors, with an average daily demand of 5,000 cores. Knowing that there are disabled brothers who need a job, the company immediately contacted the town disabled people's federation.

Yu Bin, Vice President of Operations of Changzhou Yuma Precision Stamping Co., Ltd. said: “This product is a long-standing process for our company, so I took this opportunity to find this cooperation intention. If the initial cooperation is achieved, Mr. Jiang will be there. Employees can adapt, and if there is no difficulty in our daily work, we are also willing to do long-term cooperation with them in this work."


Changzhou Economic Development Zone Yaoguan Town Disabled Persons’ Federation Deputy Director Changjiang Lijuan said: “Currently there are five positions. First come to preview. I took this order at Yuma Precision. I have to pick up the disabled every day for fear that they are not safe. We were worried, and she helped solve it."

Jiang Mingfeng, 41 years old this year, is a disabled soldier. In September 2017, he was enthusiastic about public welfare and opened up a 200-square-meter factory building to establish a service center for the Disabled People’s Home in Yuanguan Delin, which successively provided shelter for 25 disabled people. So, Du Jianqiu, 56 years old this year, is the first group of members. Du Jianqiu suffers from poliomyelitis and leg inconvenience. As soon as the home for the disabled was opened, he engaged in manual work here, and his monthly income of more than 2,000 yuan made him very satisfied.

Du Jianqiu, an employee of the Delin Home for the Disabled in Yaoguan Town, said: “I have trouble sitting on my legs and fold clothes. I have more money every month. The piece rate is more than 2,000 a month, which is pretty good.”

Jiang Mingfeng, the person in charge of the Delin Home for the Disabled in Yaoguan Town, said: “In the beginning, there were 25. Later, due to physical conditions, they were resting at home. Now there are more than a dozen. Manual processing. During the epidemic this year, there will be less manual labor, so let them make some mask packaging."


After nearly three years, these disabled people have mastered the skills of electronic connectors and screw packaging. However, as the local industry upgrades, there are fewer and fewer manual jobs that can be taken back. The olive branch extended by the caring enterprise this time made Jiang Mingfeng and his wife very moved.

Jiang Mingfeng’s wife, Chen Jing, said: “I have never been unhappy or unhappy, and now I am happy to help others. I have already felt a joy. On the road of big family public welfare, more and more people walk in, and more people are helped. The more we come, we will also be grateful to every company that has helped us, so that we disabled people have more manual work and more charity."