The launching ceremony of Yuma Precision "Safety Production Month"
 2020/06/01 | View:1593


This June is the nineteenth "Safety Production Month". The theme of this time is "Eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and build a strong line of defense."

Activity schedule:

May 30

Mobilization meeting

May 31-June 25

Hidden danger investigation

June 1-June 7

Security Incident Warning Week

June 8-June 14

Safety Culture Week

June 15-June 21

Emergency drill week

June 22-June 28

Training study week

June 28-June 30



In order to conscientiously implement the company's "Safety Production Month" activities arrangements and arrangements, steadily promote the orderly development of the company's safety work, and effectively improve the safety awareness of the heads and employees of various departments. On May 30th, the company held the launching ceremony of the 2020 "Safety Production Month" event. It is hoped that through this event, all employees will fully realize the importance of safety The safety production situation in Malaysia continues to stabilize and improve.


Speech by General Manager Zhou Wenbin

At the meeting, General Manager Zhou Wenbin emphasized the importance of safe production, and hoped that all departments should give full play to the advantages of their departments, actively participate, and promote the solid development of safety month activities.


The company hangs up event banners

Always sound the production safety alarm


2020 Yuma Precision Safety Production Month


Strengthen employees’ safety awareness and implement corporate responsibilities


Eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and build a strong line of defense

Easter eggs at the end of the article-a preview of the safety production month prize activity:

Safety Knowledge Contest

Call for papers on safety production activities

Wonderful prizes are waiting for you!

"Be cautious can catch thousands of cicadas, and be careful to sail the ship for thousands of years."

I wish the "2020 Yuma Precision Safety Production Month" event a complete success!