@Everyone, what you must know about fire fighting
 2020/07/09 | View:1712


The origin of "119"

The fire alarm number in our country in the past was "09", because before the 1970s, our country's special communication number was "0".

In the late 1970s, my country's communication service number was changed from "0" to "11". According to the requirements of standardized management, the fire alarm telephone number was uniformly set to "119", which is a homophonic Chinese "to save".


  • When a fire occurs, the alarm and fire fighting shall be carried out simultaneously.

  • When there is only one person at the fire scene, put out the fire while calling for help.

  • If the burning area is very small at the initial stage of the fire, you are completely sure of putting out the fire, and you should immediately use the shortest and most effective method to put out the fire.

  • When extinguishing a fire, you should first cut off the power supply to the fire site, and try to transfer the fire site while extinguishing the fire. If it cannot be transferred, try to cool down.

  • If you find that the fire is too big to put it out, you should call 119 immediately.

How to use indoor fire hydrants





How to use dry powder fire extinguisher


How to use carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

1. When using, first pull out the safety pin in the duckbill style and press down the handle.

2. For the hand wheel type, first remove the lead seal, and then rotate the hand wheel counterclockwise to spray.

3. Be careful not to touch the loudspeaker with your fingers, which may cause frostbite.

4. When extinguishing the fire, the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be close to the fire point and spray in the upwind direction.

Precautions for using fire extinguishers

  • When the fire extinguisher is used, it is generally used at a distance of about 5 meters from the burning material, but for a fire extinguisher with a short range, it can be about 2 meters, depending on the situation on the spot.

  • When spraying, the approach should be taken from near to far, from outside to inside.

  • When putting out the fire, people should stand upwind.

  • Be careful not to face the cover and bottom of the fire extinguisher against the human body to prevent it from popping up and hurting people.

  • Do not spray together with water at the same time, so as not to affect the fire extinguishing effect.

  • When extinguishing an electrical fire, the power supply should be cut off to prevent electric shock.

  • The hand holding the nozzle should hold the glue nozzle to prevent frostbite.

Ten Ways to Fight Fire

  • If you find a fire, you should shout loudly and quickly call the fire alarm number 119 to clarify the location, and then send someone to meet the fire truck at the intersection.

  • To extinguish the fire, take local materials, such as blankets and quilts to cover the flame, and then extinguish the fire.

  • You can also use the basin, bucket, etc. to pass water to extinguish the fire, or use the fire extinguishing equipment on the floor to extinguish the fire head in time.

  • Individual items are on fire, so quickly move the fired objects outside to put out the fire.

  • If the oil pan catches fire, cover the lid directly to extinguish the fire.

  • If a household appliance catches fire, cut off the power first, and then suffocate the fire with blankets and quilts.

  • When the TV is on fire, use blankets and quilts to extinguish the fire, and people should stand on the side.

  • When fighting a fire, open doors and windows slowly to prevent air convection from accelerating the spread of flames and sudden flames from escaping and hurting people.

  • Evacuate combustibles and liquefied gas tanks near the fire to a safe place in time.

  • Use nearby fire extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment to extinguish the fire quickly.