【Excellent Essays】Safe with me
 2020/07/30 | View:1564

Safety work is the top priority of the company's work. In order to further strengthen employees' self-safety awareness and safety prevention capabilities, the company-wide "eliminate accident hazards and build a strong line of defense" prize-winning essay activity. This event received positive responses from all employees, and one after another submitted manuscripts. At the same time, the review team selected the articles based on the principle of "fairness, fairness, and openness".

Selection of Safety Production Articles

Excellence Award

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Seriously study safety management, safe operation, keep in mind the prohibition, put an end to the three violations, against the three violations, and strive to eliminate hidden safety hazards in the invisible. "I want to be safe" is a serious attitude towards life and a responsibility to your family and your loved ones. Maybe you are a son or daughter, and you should be rewarded for your parents’ upbringing. If you cry, it is your parents who get wet first. If you hurt your cheek, the most painful thing is the heart of your parents. In the heart of your parents, they only want their children to be safe and secure. "I want to be safe" is a rigorous work attitude. Strict implementation of safety regulations is a must for every employee The fulfillment of responsibilities and obligations is an important sign of testing execution. It is not only a system, but also a kind of culture, and it is also a humanized care and care.

In life, people often say: "Is these small things still used so seriously?" "Is it necessary to do these small things?" Or "Isn't it just a cigarette butt? What's the big deal! Is it worth the fuss?" As everyone knows, it is because of these hidden killers in life that laid the roots of the accident. There used to be a famous saying: "Don’t do something small and don’t do something evil." It is to teach people how to behave. In fact, in terms of the safety of our working environment, we can also use "Don’t do something small and do nothing." For, don’t teach us how to pay attention to safety with "evil" being small and doing it, but here his meaning is different.

Safety matters are not big or small. Don't think that something seems to be trivial and don't do it seriously, let alone ignore that a small mistake will not affect anything, and a small mistake will cause a catastrophe. A screw can scrap a machine, a slate can overturn a skyscraper, and a small cigarette butt can burn the forest. Don't neglect things that are trivial and irrelevant in your work, let alone skip the necessary steps for a while. Perhaps your unintentional mistakes will bring painful lessons to yourself or others, and cause many lives to fall.  

"Don't take things small and don't do anything." Starting from small things not only involves the importance of safety, but also reflects a person's emphasis on work and sincere heart to the company. Everyone wants to be a general, but not everyone can easily become a general; everyone is eager to fly into space on the "God Five", but only Yang Liwei is in space. As the ancients said: "How can we sweep the world without sweeping everything". Only by starting from bit by bit and running towards success step by step, one day maybe you can become a general and go to space.   "Don't do evil for small things". From now on, abandon all bad habits. Over time, you will become a person who knows how to care for others and everyone likes them.

An enterprise succeeds in safety, but fails in an accident. In our enterprise production, safety can be said to be the standard to measure everything. This seemingly simple word is a kind of responsibility, an attitude, and a symbol of life. Only when safety is put into practice, the benefits of the enterprise and the benefits of workers can be fully realized. In the face of safety, I think it can be as large as the overall safety of the entire enterprise, or as small as the lives of millions of our workers.

First of all, as an enterprise, we should strengthen the management of safety production under the supervision of leaders at all levels of the enterprise, strictly review every safety index, regularly carry out safety law education for employees, and let every employee be Aware of the importance of safety, employees can also be restrained through a reward and punishment system. Lay a good foundation for safe operation, let every employee take a reassurance, and make safe production better to give full play to everyone's responsibility. However, it is not enough to rely on these companies to achieve a certain level of safety. Our grassroots employees should also start from themselves, abide by every safety production law, actively respond to the call of the company and put it into practical applications to eliminate all unnecessary Safety hazards, put life first, improve our efficiency on this basis, and then improve the production efficiency of the enterprise.

In short, safety accompanies each of us throughout our lives, especially in the production of enterprises. We must maintain a high degree of vigilance, start from ourselves, actively practice, and truly improve the safety ideology, and always keep in mind the eternal theme of safety and our safety. The flower will bloom and never wither!

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Chen Huanhuan