The Dragon Boat Festival "patted" you
 2020/06/24 | View:1571

Dragon Boat Festival

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month

Is the ancient folk in our country

Traditional festival-Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival holiday notice

According to the notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, combined with the actual situation of our company, the holiday arrangements for the Dragon Boat Festival are as follows:

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is 2 days in total. June 25th (Thursday) to June 26th (Friday), work on June 27th (Saturday).

All relevant departments and personnel are requested to do a good job on holiday on duty. In case of emergencies, promptly activate emergency plans, handle them properly and report them according to the specified time to ensure holiday safety.

I wish you all a good Dragon Boat Festival!

Those cold knowledge of Dragon Boat Festival that you don't know

Another name for Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, the Spring Festival, the Ching Ming Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival are also known as the four traditional festivals of the Chinese Han people. However, the Dragon Boat Festival has the most aliases. According to statistics, there are more than 20 other names for the Dragon Boat Festival, such as Duanwu Festival, Duanyang Festival, Chongwu Festival, Chongwu Festival, Dangwu Festival, Heavenly Festival, Summer Festival, and May Festival. , Chang Festival, Pu Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Bath Orchid Festival, Qu Yuan Day, Noon Festival, Girl's Day, Dila Festival, Poet's Festival, Dragon Day, Noon Day, Lantern Festival, Five Egg Festival and so on.

Is Qu Yuan not surnamed "Qu"?

Qu Yuan's surname Mi is simply the Mi surname, Qu's name, Ping, and the word Yuan. The word "Qu" is not his surname, but his family name. The surname is the family name, and the surname is a branch of the surname.

In the pre-Qin period, men called their names but not their surnames, so he was called Qu Yuan instead of Mi Yuan.

What package was the first zongzi used?

According to records, as early as the spring and autumn period, wild rice leaves (Zizania white leaves) were used to wrap millet rice into horns, called "corn millet"; the rice was sealed and roasted in bamboo tubes, called "tube dumplings". At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the millet was soaked in water with plant ash. Due to the alkali content in the water, the rice was wrapped with wild rice leaves into a quadrangular shape and cooked.

The sachet was originally used to absorb sweat

Chen Shiliang's "Sui Shi Guang Ji" quoted in "Sui Shi Za Ji" mentioned a kind of "Duan Wu is made of red and white color like a bag, with colored threads running through it, and the twitching shape is like a flower." and another kind of "clam powder bell". : "On the 5th day of the end, take clam powder into the silk, embellish it with cotton, like a number of beads. Let the children wear it to absorb sweat." The contents of these carry-on pouches have undergone several changes, from sweat-absorbing mussel powder, evil charms, copper coins, and insect-repelling realgar powder, to sachets filled with spices, and their production has become increasingly refined, becoming a unique folklore of the Dragon Boat Festival. Artwork.

Why do you have to eat "five yellows" during the Dragon Boat Festival

In the tradition of Jiangnan people, “five yellows” are eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival. The five yellows refer to: rice eel, yellow croaker, cucumber, salted egg yolk and rice wine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Dragon Boat Festival, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, is the most yang period of the year. It can be combined with the power of the Dragon Boat Festival to increase energy. In ancient times, five yellow meals were a ostentation for the rich.

Don't drink realgar wine after eating zongzi

Realgar is a kind of toxic ore containing arsenic. When realgar enters wine, it will accelerate the absorption of arsenic and is easily poisoned. Realgar wine is more dangerous to drink when heated. Realgar is easily decomposed into arsenic trioxide when heated, which is commonly known as arsenic. It is no exaggeration to say that drinking hot realgar wine is actually equivalent to eating arsenic, so don't drink realgar wine after eating zongzi.

There are three Dragon Boat Festivals in Zigui, Hubei

The Miluo River in Hunan is the place where Qu Yuan died, and Zigui County in Hubei is the birthplace of Qu Yuan. Since it is the birthplace, the local people's nostalgia for Qu Yuan is naturally different. In many places in China, there is only one Dragon Boat Festival, but Zigui has three. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the first Dragon Boat Festival, the 15th day of the lunar calendar is the Big Dragon Boat Festival, and the 25th day of the lunar calendar is the end noon. This shows that their respect for Doctor Qu Yuan is beyond words.

The dragon boat race appeared before Qu Yuan

According to textual research, before the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a custom of holding tribal totem sacrifices in the form of dragon boat races on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Even in Qu Yuanren’s poems, it can also reflect the customs of the race at that time. For example, in "The Songs of the Chu: She River", there is: "Take a boat and go to Yuanxi, Qi Wu Bang to fight out. The boat capacity and does not enter. Xi, flooded back into the water and stagnated. The morning is in vain, and the evening is in the sun." The narrow and light boat that Qu Yuan took was essentially a boat used for racing at that time.

Can’t say "Happy Dragon Boat Festival" during the Dragon Boat Festival

According to the ancients, May is the month of poison, and the fifth day is the day of poison, so on this day they will use various customs to drive poison and ward off evil spirits. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, newly married or married women had to return to their natal family for the festival, which was called "Hiduanwu". On this day, Wu Zixu voted for the Qiantang River, Cao E saved his father and voted for the Cao E River, and Qu Yuan voted for the Miluo River.