Warm tips for celebrating the National Day - Yuma precision National Day holiday
 2021/09/30 | View:1602

In this season of golden osmanthus fragrance, the mother of the motherland ushered in her 72nd birthday. After 72 years of trials and hardships, our motherland is thriving and booming, our nation is proud and confident, and our people are happy, healthy and energetic! The five-star red flag is flying in the wind. We celebrate the glory of the motherland's birthday. Yuma precision technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. hereby notifies the National Day holiday arrangements in 2021 as follows:


[holiday time]

October 1 (Friday) to October 5 (Tuesday), 2021


During the National Day holiday, many people have plans to travel or return home. Be sure to check the latest epidemic prevention policies before traveling. Below, Yuma precision sorted out the precautions before and after the trip.


How to check the latest epidemic prevention policies before travel?

 You can log in to the Chinese government website and the State Council client applet, enter the "local epidemic prevention and control policies and measures" column to query local epidemic prevention policies and measures, and obtain the "point-to-point" real-time online query service of cross regional travel epidemic prevention measures. (the following figure shows Putian, Fujian as an example.)


Before travel

1. Make travel arrangements, apply for or update destination health code, and pay attention to local real-time epidemic changes and prevention and control measures. If you are in a medium and high risk area, you can't travel.

2. Prepare sufficient epidemic prevention materials and emergency drugs.

3, novel coronavirus pneumonia vaccine is given throughout the whole body.

4. During the National Day holiday, gathering and gathering are not advocated, especially to avoid large-scale gathering.


On the way

Consciously abide by and actively cooperate with various epidemic prevention and control measures at the destination.

2. Masks shall be worn in indoor and outdoor crowded public places, when taking public transport or in close contact with others. Do a good job in hand hygiene throughout the process.

3. Online real name reservation or ticket purchase shall be selected for visiting and sightseeing.

4. When watching performances and movies, you should take your seats according to the number and keep a safe distance. It is recommended that the time should not exceed two hours.

5. When the restaurant is in a non dining state, you should wear a mask and use public chopsticks and spoons. It is recommended that the dining time should not exceed two hours.

6. Reasonably arrange the trip, keep the notes and make the trip records.

7. Do a good job of health monitoring.


After travel

1. Continue to do a good job in 14 days of health monitoring, timely go to the nearest fever clinic in case of abnormal symptoms, and actively inform relevant living history.

2. Pay attention to the real-time epidemic situation change in the travel place. In case of risk level change, take the initiative to report to the community and units, and cooperate with relevant control measures.

At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control at home and abroad is still severe and complex. Please continue to maintain a high degree of protection awareness and tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control. Don't take chances. Remember that danger comes from carelessness.


Autumn years, harvest fruits

Holiday epidemic prevention

Royal Horse staff

I wish you a happy National Day