Annual meeting warm-up Ding Dong! You have a clue to the annual meeting ~ come and unlock it together
 2021/10/07 | View:1616

I don't know. Do you remember the grand occasion of our annual meeting the year before last? Are you still regretting that you didn't show the opportunity at the annual meeting... Are you still frustrated that you didn't cherish the opportunity before your eyes... Now, the opportunity is coming again ~ don't you know if you are willing to shout "10000 times I do" in front of this opportunity?


The special 2020 will be unforgettable to us all our life

Due to epidemic prevention and control, the overall situation is important

The Royal Horse boys failed to spend the annual meeting together

An epidemic brings not only reflection, but also transformation

2021, we must "Hi"!!!

Perhaps you are new here and are glad of the warmth of your extended family

Or maybe you are a veteran employee of Royal Mali

From acquaintance to acquaintance, the Royal horse carries too much of us

Between laughter and laughter

We passed the 14th spring, summer, autumn and winter of Yuma together

To thank you for your hard work for a year

In order to welcome the arrival of 2022

The company plans to hold the annual meeting on January 8


At present, the company solicits the annual meeting programs for all employees. No matter you are good at singing and dancing, eloquent, or have any magic skills to show to people, you should hurry up to sign up for the program selection of the party!


1. Program registration requirements

A. There are no restrictions on the form and genre of the program, which is novel, unique, warm and lively, and can be performed by more than 2 people.

B. If the program is submitted by the Department, the Department with less than 5 people can jointly sign up. Each unit is required to submit at least one program. Each department is requested to carefully prepare the program props and accompaniment by itself;

C. The program arrangement shall be as novel as possible, and the performance time shall not exceed 10 minutes.


2. Host registration requirements

(1) Two male and female hosts (4 in total) are invited for the party. All in-service employees can sign up for the party. They have a good image, good quality, lively and cheerful personality and are good at communication;

(2) Strong language expression ability, eloquence, clear enunciation, mellow and pleasant sound quality, accurate expression and strong appeal; Have good psychological quality, on-the-spot ability and adaptability.


3. Selection method

Employees sign up voluntarily, and the judges of the program team conduct the selection in accordance with the principles of openness, impartiality and fairness.

We don't care whether you perform professionally or not. We just want to give you a happy time. I hope this party can carry your good memories of the annual meeting, let each other get together in the company and remember this unforgettable and meaningful day!

The program of the annual meeting will adopt the mode of on-site evaluation. Excellent programs and hosts of the annual meeting will receive rich rewards. You are welcome to sign up and participate actively.